Buy Your Own (BuyYO) Product:

Certified CIO is a licensed reseller of many types of hardware and software.  On occasion clients may prefer to purchase items directly feeling they can find better pricing.  While we strive to provide recommendations, occasionally clients will purchase incorrect or “similar” items that have a detrimental impact on installation or performance.

Certified CIO will take no responsibility for BuyYO products or situations that arise from a BuyYO product.

Our support level will be considered Best Effort. Also see our MSA section 2(e) Advice; Instructions.

The following policy summarizes how Buy Your Own (“BuyYO”) will be handled by Certified CIO.

Sales Engineering labor will be billed – this covers CCIO Employee labor to provide the client with parts numbers, system specifications, and links on locations where you can purchase the recommended product, research and develop solutions, as well as review of what you intend to purchase.

Client is responsible to notify Certified CIO if you are purchasing something other than the specific product recommended.  Failure to do so will likely result in additional labor charges.  Only written validations are considered authorized and must be documented in a Ticket.

Certified CIO reserves the right to bill labor for installation at our Non-Contract Rates.  This will be reflected on your installation quote prior to your approval. There will be no service credits for labor on these types of projects under any circumstances.